Affect in Language Learning: Motivation (an excellent and well-organised overview of the area of motivation, by Nada AbiSamra from the American University of Beirut) The ALRI Literacy List (from The Adult Literacy Resource Institute in Boston, USA - "a frequently updated list of Web sites, electronic lists, moos, internet training and other resources for adult literacy and ESL/ESOL teachers and students") Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning (resources, links, bibliographies and more at Phil Benson’s site at Hong Kong University) Britkid ("a website about race, racism, and life, as seen through the eyes of the Britkids" - good resources for the classroom - try the 'serious issues' section) Chinese Language Learners’ Corner (site directed toward people who are learning Chinese, but with some good articles about language learning in general, including information about learning styles) Centrofriend (big teachers’ resource from Italy with all sorts of useful stuff for teachers of English and other foreign languages) Dave Sperling’s ESL Café (a pioneering site in the field and still excellent) David Eastment’s links page (splendid selection of EFL-related links from ICT in ELT pioneer) EFL4U (downloadable lesson plans and materials) The English Department (reading exercises, WebQuests, and other practical classroom materials from Barbara Dieu, a teacher in Brazil) Englischlehrer.de (German-based site for English teachers - lots of interesting resources) The English Learner (Hungarian teacher Elek Mathe’s site with lessons and tests) ERIC/CLL Resource Guide Online for Language Learners with Special Needs (digests, documents, websites, listservs, and other publications for professionals working in this area) The ESLoop (links to over 100 useful sites for EFL/ESL teachers) ESL Lounge (big selection of ready-made classroom resources) ESL Through Music (bilingual English-French site from Canada with resources for using songs and music to foster learning) Eva Easton's Home Page (all sorts of excellent stuff for teachers) Evaluating Your Learning Style (an interactive online quiz about learning styles and advice for improving your learning based on your learning style) Extensive Reading ("a repository for information on Extensive Reading, with an emphasis on its application to Second or Foreign Language Learning" - resources, details of programs, articles, links etc) Flo-Joe (practical resources for Cambridge FCE and CAE exam preparation) FL Teach Foreign Language Teaching Forum (good links for foreign language teachers) Great Performances (educational resources in the realm of culture and the arts – classical music, dance etc) Green River Community College ESL Program Reading Activities (a range of text types and activities to help learners improve their reading skills) Interactive Sagittal Section (mouth diagram that moves to display positions for the production of different sounds - designed by a Canadian PhD student) Isabel’s ESL Site (all sorts of resources for teachers collected and created by Isabel Perez, a secondary school teacher in Spain – in both Spanish and English) John Higgins’ Links (links to materials and activities for EFL learners) John Pereira’s EFL Japan (some interesting ideas for skills development and fostering critical thinking – also includes a unique ‘poessays’ section) Karin's ESL Partyland (American-based site with lots for teachers and students, including downloadable instant handouts and lesson plans) Kim’s Korner (an American (non-EFL) teacher’s homepage with interesting ideas - a good example of a home-built page -and there are good links to other American teachers' web pages) Kristina Pfaff’s Linguistic Funland ("Here at the Funland, you'll find resources for language teaching and learning, linguistics study, and other miscellaneous resources.") Learning Style Tests Collected by Jari Ryynanen (a huge page of weblinks to sites about learning and learning styles. Many of the pages have learning style quizzes you can take.) Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun (games to practise vocabulary, such as ‘Hangman’, ‘Word Search’, and a ‘Matching Game’) The Meaning Behind the Logo (materials and links for getting learners to think about advertising, from Barbara Dieu in Brazil) Now You’re Talking (an entire textbook designed to mix language and cultural learning - one of several books on the same site written by Messrs Finch and Hyun - aimed at Korean learners but very interesting as an example of good ideas for adoption and adaptation elsewhere) One Stop English (resources for teachers from Macmillan) fonetiks.org ("The Online Language Laboratory" - a wonderful site - the sounds of various languages, including seven national varieties of English, that you can read and also hear, plus dictionaries and other language information) Overview of the brain (from about.com - a good basic description of how the brain works and some useful links) The Puzzlemaker (a site which provides help in making your own puzzles) Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab (online listening exercises) The Reading Matrix (rich and well-organised selection of resources primarily focused on the teaching of reading in foreign languages) Renata’s ESL/CALL Corner (range of resources for teachers and learners from a teacher in Melbourne, Australia) Resource Centre (from the Cambridge Exams people in Switzerland – links to a range of publishers’ and examination boards’ sites) selfaccess.net (ready-made topic-based lessons on adult subjects for "Students of English for International Communication" - produced by Reuters and with a focus on preparation for major public exams such as Cambridge and TOEFL) Speech Accent Archive (a paragraph in English read by native speakers of 196 different languages - sound files, transcripts, information and analysis) The Storyteller (site from Michael Berman with stories and activities for the ELT class) Tambov University Teacher Development Page (online journal and other resources from Russian university - in Russian and English) Teaching English with Technology (online journal produced in Poland, in English, with useful resources - can be received as a regular email) Teachit (resources for English teachers, mostly aimed at UK teachers but some good stuff on areas of more general interest, eg literature) TeAch-nology (huge resources site from the USA - materials, links, newsletter etc) The TEFL Farm (practical teaching ideas, links etc) TEFLGAMES.com (free games section of a larger commercial site - downloadable game ideas for the classroom) TESL/TEFL/TESOL/ESL/EFL/ESOL Links (nearly 9000 of them by August 2003!) TESOL Arabia Learner Independence Group (articles, links, and resources for the promotion of learner independence) The Tomics’ School Teacher website (lesson plans, tests, games etc from Montenegro) The Tower of English (daily email with teaching tips) UCLES (Cambridge examinations - information, past papers, and more) University College London Phonetics and Linguistics homepage (Very rich collection of educational resources for teaching and learning about the phonology of English - a marvellous resource) Uvic’s Language Teaching ClipArt Library (about 1500 simple downloadable images to illustrate basic vocabulary concepts – from the University of Victoria in Canada) WebQuest Training Materials (all you ever needed to know about how to create your own WebQuests – from the Educational Technology Department at San Diego State University) Word Surfing ("Word Surfing aims to help language learners become better communicators by expanding their vocabulary and developing the ability to move from word to word with confidence." – ideas for finding, learning, storing etc) World of English (website of 'World of English', a magazine for learners published by the Copernicus Foundation in Poland – includes archive of past issues with many interesting texts) Back to the Index |