AERA SIG Communication of Research (alphabetised list of links to journals in the field of education - "To the best of our ability to discern, we have included only links to electronic journals that are scholarly, peer-reviewed, full text and accessible without cost. We have excluded professional magazines that are largely not refereed, and commercial journals that may only allow access to a very limited number of articles as an enticement to buy. By restricting membership in this way on the list that follows, we hope to do what little we can to promote free access world wide to scholarship in education.") The ALRI Literacy List (from The Adult Literacy Resource Institute in Boston, USA - “a frequently updated list of Web sites, electronic lists, moos, internet training and other resources for adult literacy and ESL/ESOL teachers and students”) AskERIC ("education information with the personal touch - over 3000 resources on a variety of educational issues…collection includes Internet sites, educational organizations, and electronic discussion groups") Biz/ed (very rich set of resources for teachers and students in the areas of business, economics, accounting, leisure and recreation and travel and tourism – over 4000 links, learning materials, information, virtual worlds etc) The Center for Critical Thinking (classroom and other resources) CILT(The Centre for Information on Language Teaching – homepage of British educational organization – aimed chiefly at teachers of foreign languages in the UK but worth looking at for teachers of languages elsewhere too) CERNET (The Central European Regional Network for Educational Transfer is based in Austria. Go to ‘Library’ for downloadable English-language classroom materials about ‘European-ness’ in Pdf format) Council of Europe education pages (information about the Council of Europe and its role and activities both in language and other aspects of education) Discipline Help ("You can handle them all – a discipline model for handling over one hundred misbehaviors at school and home" – might be useful if you have difficult learners) Education Index (an extensive and excellent annotated guide to the best education-related sites on the Web - all subjects) The Education Revolution (homepage of AERO – the Alternative Education Resource Organisation – with plenty of information about alternative approaches to education, democratic schooling etc) Education Unlimited (education site run by "The Guardian" newspaper) Eurydice - the Information Network on Education in Europe (fine site dealing with education in Europe in general) Global Collaboration (good annotated list of global projects for classes to get involved with) Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory (print publication bibliography and useful links to MI resources on the Web from the ‘Great Performances’ site) Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections (a free service to help teachers link with partners in other countries and cultures for e-mail classroom pen-pal and project exchanges) Landmarks for Schools ("This web site is dedicated to the idea that Information will be the raw material that drives the 21st century, and that today's students should be learning to BUILD with information." Resources for Science and Social Science, images, ‘Words of Humankind’ – all sorts of stuff to browse through) Learning in Tandem (an interesting idea to learners’ mutual benefit) PINAKES, a Subject Launchpad (excellent gateway site) Rage and Hope ("Critical Theory and its Impact on Education" – Michael Apple, Paolo Freire, Henri Giroux, Peter McLaren and their educational philosophies) SEAL (homepage of the Society for Effective Affective Learning – part of it is for members only but there are articles, summaries of key concepts, links, and other useful things for anyone interested in learning more about ‘humanistic’ approaches to education) Sites for Teachers (over 500 sites briefly described and accessible via hyperlinks) SL Lists (electronic discussion lists specifically aimed at classes of English learners) Soundout.org ("promoting meaningful student involvement in school change" – bibliography, links, discussion board, and a downloadable publication, "meaningful student involvement: guide to inclusive school change") Tapped In ("the online workplace of an international community of education professionals" - possibilities in teacher development) TESOL Arabia Learner Independence SIG Turner Learning (education division of Turner Broadcasting - CNN etc) Windows on the World (school linking on the Internet - advice and links) Back to the Index |