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This is a fast-changing area. Here are a few useful sites.
The Baltic Times (news from the Baltic Republics in English)

Central Europe Online (up-to-date news in English)

Czech news in English

DMOZ Open Directory Project - Central Europe (links to sites with information of various types about all countries in Europe)

EuroStudies (a section of the Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) with links to all manner of useful informative sites arranged country-by-country - includes all European countries)

Insideworld (customised daily news in English from about 40 countries of your choice delivered by email)

In Your Pocket (online guides to a number of countries and cities in Central Europe, aimed mostly at travellers - up-to-date and informative)

Neviditelny pes (news in Czech)

Peter’s photo gallery (some lovely photographs of various people and places in Central Europe, taken by Kiwi Peter de Graaf)

Portals To The World (from the Library of Congress - ongoing project which aims to provide selective links leading to authoritative and in-depth information about all the nations of the world)

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